Article from the Brooklyn College news website
Dec. 19, 2014
Link to full article
The Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay (SRI@JB) has named Adam Parris, an expert on social and environmental change in US coastal zones, as its executive director, effective Feb. 17, 2015. Parris will lead the SRI@JB in research and activities related to environmental resilience in urban coastal ecosystems. A partnership between the city of New York and the federal government, the SRI@JB consortium is currently hosted by lead institution Brooklyn College. This top-tier institute will welcome visiting scientists, provide lab facilities for students and researchers, organize community outreach programs, and hold events to present research findings, including those related to the restoration of Jamaica Bay and the advancement of coastal resiliency in New York City and beyond.
City University of New York (CUNY) Chancellor James B. Milliken said, “Jamaica Bay is a beautiful, ecologically complex habitat for both salt-water and fresh-water fish, wildlife and plants. Long under stress by urban development, the bay faces new threats from rising ocean levels. These factors make it a crucial laboratory for the Science and Resilience Institute.”